Friday, December 19, 2014

Ayatana Residency of Biophilia: An Intersection of Scientists and Artists in Wolfville, Halifax

At the very end of this summer, I had the pleasure of joining a group of artists and scientists for the Biophilia residency through the Ayatana Program, lead by Ayatana Director Alexis Williams.

I loved the chance to see Nova Scotia again, this time up close and personally with nature!

I found some pirate ship remnants on nearby shorelines.


We were a diverse group of artists from Montreal, Winnipeg, Ottawa, and Oregon USA, and worked with a marine biologist, an academic ecologist, and geological expert and more.

At the conclusion of the residency, each artist created an artist book inspired by their experiences. Mine is a photographic clock that captures fleeting objects - each only existing itself for a very short time-frame, representing each day I spent in Nova Scotia.

To read more about the ongoing Ayatana Residencies, visit:

And if you want to look through the entire library of artist books and accompanying catalogue, check out Alexis William's IndieGogo campaign at:

Cheese Matchbooks - a Triptych

 Living in Quebec, a province of endless tiny cheese-makers, I think about cheese a certain amount. It's been on my mind lately!

Working away on drawing my favourite cheese!

So I made a trilogy of cheese matchbooks for on-the-go cheese appreciation!

If you need some of your own, you can find them at my Etsy Shop:

Cheese Matchbooks at

Wisdom Teeth!

A book of wisdom from your teeth!!

Getting put together in the mini book press.

Wisdom Teeth books can be found at my Etsy shop!

Welding Electric Towers

I finally tried out several days of welding, with some very helpful metal shop technicians to help me out.

My electric tower design required a serious organization system!

The end result of three towers ranging from 3-5 feet tall has given me some great small-scale electric towers to play with!